Telnet: | bbs.hoyvision.com |
Software: | Renegade |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | pegasusbbs.dyndns.org:28 |
Software: | Renegade |
Connection: | Telnet |
Resurrected my old bbs from the past running Renegade bbs software. Offering door games, metronet and FSXnet message networks and adding more weekly.. Door Party and BBSlink door game servers.

Telnet: | catch22.zapto.org:24 |
Software: | Renegade |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | bbs.darkrealms.ca |
Modem: | 647-847-2083 |
Software: | Renegade |
Connection: | Dial-Up, Telnet |
Since 1994, Darkrealms has served as an on-line roleplaying community for the Greater Toronto Area and is one of the worlds largest Renegade BBS’s still remaining. LORD, TradeWars 2002, Usurper, and more. Full Fidonet backbone and thousands of Usenet groups on-line, as well as Internet Email.

Telnet: | defile.dynu.net |
Software: | Renegade |
Connection: | Telnet |
Old School RENEGADE BBS w/ Games and Message Board. (Formerly defile.darktech.org)

Telnet: | bulletinboard.systems |
Software: | Renegade |
Connection: | Telnet |
Still running Renegade. MetroNET, TQWNeT ZER0Net and MICRONET. MASH around in our broken Iniquity board. !UNDER CONSTRUCTION!

Telnet: | pocbbs.duckdns.org |
Software: | Renegade |
Connection: | Telnet |

Telnet: | gapbbs.rdfig.net:2424 |
Software: | Renegade |
Connection: | Telnet |
Prison Board Renegade BBS is a fully functional system with files, message and games. The system is connected to Fidonet, Metronet and fsxNet for messages and files. Games are reached seamlessly via our online game server and Tradewars server Other online game servers and Tradewars servers are on

Telnet: | stateoftheark.ca:1990 |
Software: | Renegade |
Connection: | Telnet |
DOS based Fidonet Echos LORD, Usurper, Soon to have Tetris and Tradewars Recreation of the BBS I used to run from 1988 to around 1995.

Telnet: | ttb.rgbbs.info |
Software: | Renegade |
Connection: | Telnet |
Renegade BBS Software Home since 2003. Over 400+ LOCAL Door Games. InterBBS BRE & LORD Also! FidoNet, MetroNet, and USENET Message Areas. 152 Shareware CDs ONLINE – Over 90 GIGS (Over 802,000 Files!). Multi-Relay-Chat (MRC) Chat — Come join the fun! Access on FIRST call. Telnet over today! Online Since November 10, 1993!